Question: Can the Enhancer be kept at 42°C or 65°C for longer periods of time?
Answer: The recommendations in the Flex Gene Expression User Guides and Demonstrated Protocols should be followed and are noted below:
Thaw for 10 min at 65°C. Vortex and centrifuge briefly. Keep warm and verify no precipitate before use. DO NOT keep the thawed reagent on ice, or the solution will precipitate. Once thawed, Enhancer can be kept at 42°C for up to 10 min.
For optimal assay performance, the Enhancer should be thawed and used as quickly as possible. We do not expect leaving the enhancer at 65°C or 42°C longer than 10 minutes will result in a degradation in Flex Gene Expression performance.
Keeping the Enhancer at 42°C for no longer than 10 min is recommended to ensure that there are no signs of visible precipitate. If the Enhancer is placed at room temperature other than for pipetting purposes, it precipitates much faster. If the Enhancer is kept at 42°C longer than 10 min, the components of the Enhancer will likely have started to precipitate. In this scenario, you should re-heat the same tube at 65°C until everything is back in solution before use. For storage, if the interval between uses for Enhancer is on the order of hours, then re-freezing at -20°C is preferable.
The stability of the Enhancer has been rigorously tested. Leaving the enhancer at 65°C or 42°C longer than 10 minutes will not negatively impact assay performance.
Product: Single Cell Gene Expression Flex