Question: Do I need to optimize any lysis conditions when using the Chromium Nuclei Isolation Kit?
Answer: All tissues on the list of compatible tissues were run with the default workflow and without any optimization. Optimization may be needed for some sample types.
For difficult to dissociate tissues (e.g. those with high levels of organized extracellular matrix or lower cell density) mincing the tissue before dissociation may improve nuclei yields.
For high RNAse tissues (e.g. pancreas) smaller tissue fragments and shorter lysis times may reduce RNA degradation.
For untested sample types, we recommend using the default workflow before performing any optimization. For recommendations to optimize untested tissue types, please see: How can I optimize my nuclei suspension if I am using an untested tissue type in the Chromium Nuclei Isolation kit?
Products: Single Cell Gene Expression, Single Cell ATAC, Single Cell Multiome ATAC + GEX, Fixed RNA Profiling