Question: How do I ship Tissue Slides once fresh frozen or fixed frozen tissue sections have been placed?
Answer: The following steps should be taken to transport or ship Tissue Slides for use with the Visium CytAssist Spatial Gene Expression for Fresh Frozen or Fixed Frozen assays:
- Place Tissue Slide(s) in a pre-cooled slide mailer and ensure to keep the slides with sections cold.
- If multiple slides are being shipped, ensure that there is sufficient space in between the slides to avoid contact with one another. If placing a slide in the last slot of the mailer, ensure the tissue section does not face outward.
- Place the mailer in a tightly sealed secondary container to limit exposure and keep cold.
- Samples can be shipped overnight in dry ice, provided there is enough dry ice to account for transit and delivery times.
- Refer to the local institution or delivery service for detailed instructions on shipping samples in dry ice.
Products: Visium CytAssist for FF, Visium CytAssist for FxF