Question: What parameters are used for STAR index?
Answer: You can find more information about the STAR parameters used by Cell Ranger in the source code. The relevant files are:
where x.y.z indicates the Cell Ranger version.
For example, the following piece of code in lib/python/cellranger/ has STAR index parameters:
args = ['STAR', '--runMode', 'genomeGenerate', '--genomeDir', self.reference_star_path,
'--runThreadN', str(num_threads), '--genomeFastaFiles', in_fasta_fn,
'--sjdbGTFfile', in_gtf_fn]
if limit_ram is not None:
args += ['--limitGenomeGenerateRAM', str(limit_ram)]
if sa_sparse_d is not None:
args += ['--genomeSAsparseD', str(sa_sparse_d)]
if sa_index_n_bases is not None:
args += ['--genomeSAindexNbases', str(sa_index_n_bases)]
if chr_bin_n_bits is not None:
args += ['--genomeChrBinNbits', str(chr_bin_n_bits)]
Note: The --limitGenomeGenerateRAM
within STAR, limits the maximum memory for genome generation. Within cellranger mkref
pipeline this can be throttled using the --memgb
parameter (default, --memgb=16GB).
For the STAR parameter --genomeChrBinNbits
, you can search within this file for 'chr_bin_n_bits
' to find:
chr_bin_n_bits = min(18, int(math.log(genome_size_b/genome_num_chrs, 2)))
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