Feature Barcode - 5' CRISPR Screening
- Are MilliporeSigma CRISPR dual guide Lentiviral Vectors validated by 10x Genomics?
- What sequencing length should I use for Read 2 of my 5’ CRISPR library?
- How to decide if the 5’ CRISPR assay or the 3’ CRISPR assay best fit my experiment?
- Is 5’ CRISPR compatible with Cell Hashing?
- Why does my 5’ CRISPR Screening library trace have additional peaks?
- Is 5’ CRISPR compatible with my guide of interest?
- Is 5' CRISPR compatible with Cas12/Cas13 CRISPR libraries?
- Is there competition between the CRISPR non-poly(dT) primer and poly(dT) primer?
- Can I combine 5’ CRISPR with dCODE™ Dextramer® experiments?
- What is the expected size of my 5’ CRISPR library?
- What sample types have been tested at 10x for 5’ CRISPR?
- How does the 5’ CRISPR assay compare to the 3' CRISPR assay in terms of sensitivity?
- My guide is not compatible with the 5' CRISPR RT Primer Mix. How do I design a custom primer?
- What dual index plate is compatible with the 5’ CRISPR workflow?
- Do I need to purchase a 5’ feature barcode kit to construct 5’ CRISPR libraries?
- What comes with my 5’ CRISPR kit?