Sample Preparation
- Are plant samples compatible with Visium for Fresh Frozen Assay?
- Are fresh-frozen tissues containing bone compatible with Visium Spatial Gene Expression?
- Can I perform both Single Cell Gene Expression and Visium Spatial Gene Expression experiments on my OCT-embedded tissue block?
- Can OCT affect bulk RNA extraction and RIN assessment?
- How can I more easily visualize the fiducial frame during tissue section placement?
- Can I section from the same tissue block across multiple days?
- Can OCT cover the Fiducial Frame or extend outside the capture area?
- Do I need to decontaminate the cryostat between different tissues types?
- How can I prevent tissue sections from freeze-drying during cryostat sectioning?
- Is there a maximum tissue section thickness for the Visium for fresh-frozen assay?
- What is OCT?
- If I am running a time course study collecting tissues, what is the best way to section and prepare the Visium Gene Expression slide with tissue?
- Can my tissue cover the fiducial frame on a Visium slide?
- Are tissues flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen compatible with Visium?
- How should I prepare my slide with tissue for shipment?
- How do I study a large tissue specimen (greater than 6.5 mm x 6.5 mm) using Visium for fresh-frozen?
- What tissue types have been tested with the Visium solution?
- Is Visium compatible with cell culture?
- How should I prepare mouse eye tissue for the Visium assay?
- How do I snap freeze and embed my tissue in OCT?
- Can I run multiple tissue sections in one capture area of the Visium Slide?
- Is it possible that the permeabilization time may differ between cancer types with the Visium solution?
- What tissue types have been optimized with Visium?
- What fresh-frozen tissue section thickness should I place on Visium Slides?
- What tissue preservation methods are compatible with the Visium Platform?
- Is Visium compatible with immunohistochemistry (IHC)?
- How many tissue sections can be tested on a Visium slide?