- Are the Visium slides charged?
- Are the Visium Spatial Tissue Optimization or Gene Expression slides re-usable if not all sections are used?
- At what step in the workflow can I use the Visium Spatial Slide Reset Demonstrated Protocol?
- Can I run different tissue types on a single Visium Spatial Gene Expression Slide for the Visium for fresh-frozen assay?
- Can I use different permeabilization time points on a single Visium Gene Expression slide?
- Can I use the Visium Spatial Slide Reset Demonstrated Protocol to practice section placement for Visium?
- Do the spatial barcodes differ across individual capture areas on the Visium Spatial Gene Expression Slide?
- Do we recommend running replicate tissue sections with Visium for fresh-frozen?
- Does 10x recommend a model system to use as a control for practicing on prior to using a real sample with Visium?
- How can I avoid mRNA degradation during sample preparation and slide processing for Visium for fresh-frozen?
- How do I determine the optimal permeabilization time from my Visium Tissue Optimization (TO) experiment?
- How does the Visium Spatial Slide Reset Demonstrated Protocol affect subsequent assay performance?
- How long does it take to perform the Visium Spatial Slide Reset Demonstrated Protocol?
- How many cells are captured in a single spot?
- How many libraries are generated from the Visium Spatial Gene Expression slide?
- How many oligos are contained in each spot?
- How many sections will be removed if I perform the Visium Spatial Slide Reset Demonstrated Protocol?
- How many spots are within a single capture area on the Visium v1 Spatial Gene Expression Slide?
- How many times can I reset a Visium slide?
- How much space is there between spots (referred to as white space)?
- How should I store the Imaging Test Slide found in the Visium Accessory Kit?
- How should I store Visium Slides once tissue sections have been placed?
- How should unused Visium slides be stored?
- Is a cDNA footprint signal in my Tissue Optimization experiment negative control with IF staining expected?
- Is there detectable mRNA transcript mislocalization under the tissue with Visium for fresh-frozen?
- What 10x reagents do I need to purchase to perform the Visium Spatial Slide Reset Demonstrated Protocol?
- What are best practices for assembling and handling the Visium Slide Cassette?
- What are the main reasons to use the Visium with Immunofluorescence Demonstrated Protocol?
- What are the storage conditions of slides reset with the Visium Spatial Slide Reset Demonstrated Protocol?
- What if tissue remains on the slide after performing the Visium Spatial Slide Reset Demonstrated Protocol?