Questions & Answers
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SupportSingle Cell Gene Expression
3' gene expression profiling at scale with single cell resolution.
High Throughput Single Cell Gene Expression
- Can I use Cell Ranger aggr to combine data from HT kits with data from standard kits? Will there be chemistry batch effects?
- What workflows and reagent kits are compatible with the Next GEM Single Cell 3’HT v3.1 assay?
- Why is the number of barcodes called in Cell Ranger equal to the Targeted Cell Recovery for HT?
Sample Prep - Cells
- What can I do if my single cell/ nuclei suspension contains a high amount of debris?
- Can I store samples in a tissue storage solution?
- What are the best practices for dissociating tissue samples into single cells?
- How should I store my single-cell suspension for scRNA-seq?
- What Demonstrated Protocols for sample preparation are compatible with 3' Feature Barcoding?
- Is it possible to freeze nuclei prior to Single Cell 3'?
Sample Prep-Nuclei
- Why were the lysis conditions updated in protocol CG000124 for Isolation of Nuclei for Single Cell RNA Sequencing?
- How do you isolate nuclei from snap-frozen tissue for 3’ gene expression profiling?
- What are the best practices for working with nuclei samples for 3' single-cell gene expression?
- How can I run a lysis timeline to optimize nuclei isolation for 3' single-cell gene expression?
- How can I isolate nuclei for 3' Gene Expression profiling?
GEM Generation & Barcoding
- Is it expected to see a large pellet of lyophilized Template Switch Oligo B (PN-2001027) used with Chromium GEM-X Single Cell 3’ v4?
- Are Next GEM reagents cross-compatible with non-Next GEM reagents?
- How can the poly-A based cDNA synthesis work on RNA from isolated nuclei?
- What fraction of mRNA transcripts are captured per cell?
Post GEM-RT Cleanup & cDNA Amplification
Library Construction
- What metrics could be affected by using an unsupported thermal cycler to prepare single cell gene expression libraries?
- Why are different index plates required for different library types?
- Are dual index plates shared across 10x assays?
- What is the maximum number of freeze-thaw cycles for Dual Index plates?
Feature Barcoding - CRISPR Screening
- Which 10x Genomics Single Cell CRISPR approach should I use?
- Are nuclei samples compatible with CRISPR screening?
- Why does my CRISPR Screening library trace have additional peaks?
- Which Capture Sequence and sgRNA integration site should I use for 3' CRISPR Screening experiments?
- Do you recommend enriching for transduced cells?
- What should I consider when designing my 3' or 5' CRISPR pool?
- At what concentration should I load my libraries for Illumina sequencing?
- What is 'read pairs per cell' and how does it relate to sequencer yield?
- Which Illumina SBS kit should I select for sequencing?
- Can I perform shallow sequencing to assess the quality of Single Cell 3' Gene Expression libraries?
- Are index sequences shared across dual index plates?
- Can single index and dual index libraries be pooled for sequencing?
- What are the differences in barcode whitelist names for 3' assays in Cell Ranger v9.0?
- Species Cell Assignments on Loupe for Barnyard samples
- My samples are analyzed with Cell Ranger v7.2. Should I upgrade to using the latest Cell Ranger v8.0?
- Unable to detect certain markers like GFP, mCherry or tdTomato in my single cell data
- Should I upgrade Cell Ranger to v7.1 for cell multiplexing analysis?
- What are the cell calling updates in Cell Ranger v7.1 and its impact on Single Cell Gene Expression data?
Feature Barcoding - Cell Surface Protein
- Error: Barcodes from the [Gene Expression] library and the [Antibody Capture] library have insufficient overlap
- Web summary antibody application metrics for Cell Surface Protein troubleshooting
- Can InTraSeq™ reagents be used with 10x Genomics Chromium Single Cell 3' Kits with Feature Barcode technology?
- Is the Single Cell 3’ Gene Expression assay compatible with TotalSeq™-B Intracellular Protein Staining?