Question: Can Visium CytAssist Spatial Gene Expression libraries be pooled with other 10x libraries?
Answer: Visium CytAssist Spatial Gene Expression libraries can be combined with other 10x dual-index libraries as long as the recommended sequencing configurations are followed.
- Libraries created with the same sample index should not be pooled together.
- 10% PhiX should be spiked in if pooling with Multiplex Fixed RNA Profiling libraries.
If combining with the below libraries, Read 2 should be increased to 90 cycles. When pooling in this fashion, we recommend limiting Visium CytAssist Spatial Gene Expression libraries to <40% of the total sequencing pool to maximize quality.
- Visium Spatial Gene Expression Libraries (Dual Index)
- Chromium GEM-X Single Cell 3’ v4 (Dual Index)
- Gene Expression Libraries
- Cell Surface Protein Libraries
- Chromium GEM-X Single Cell 5’ v3 (Dual Index)
- Gene Expression Libraries
- V(D)J Enriched Libraries
- Cell Surface Protein Libraries
- CRISPR Screening Libraries
- Chromium NextGEM Single Cell 3’ v3.1 (Dual Index)
- Gene Expression Libraries
- Cell Multiplexing Libraries
- Cell Surface Protein Libraries
- CRISPR Screening Libraries
- Chromium NextGEM Single Cell 5’ v2 (Dual Index)*
- Gene Expression Libraries (with Read 1 increased to 28 cycles)
- V(D)J Enriched Libraries (with Read 1 increased to 28 cycles)
- Cell Surface Protein Libraries (with Read 1 increased to 28 cycles)
- CRISPR Screening Libraries (with Read 1 increased to 28 cycles)
- Chromium Single Cell Multiome Gene Expression Libraries (Dual Index)
Visium CytAssist Spatial Gene Expression libraries can not be pooled with the following libraries:
- Single Cell Multiome ATAC libraries
- Single Cell ATAC libraries
Products: Visium CytAssist for FFPE, Visium CytAssist for FF, Visium CytAssist for FxF