Question: What’s the expected range of Cq values that should be obtained when performing the Cycle Number Determination step with the Visium CytAssist Spatial Gene Expression assays?
Answer: Cq values are influenced by sample quality, size, composition and workflow steps therefore it’s difficult to provide an expected range. We’ve found that when the Cq value is >15, this generally indicates that there may have been a workflow error/issue leading to lower probe product generated than expected. This will likely lead to a drop in sensitivity.
If the tissue is very small, not very complex (e.g., contains high amounts of connective tissue), of poor quality higher Cq values (15-20) may be expected.
If the Cq >20, we would not recommend proceeding as likely a workflow error occurred; please contact for assistance.
Products: Visium CytAssist for FFPE, Visium CytAssist for FF, Visium CytAssist for FxF