Question: What off-slide workflow steps are performed for generating Visium CytAssist Spatial Gene Expression libraries?
Answer: Below are the off-slide workflow steps that are performed:
- After the sample has been denatured and collected, the sample will be neutralized and then Pre-Amplified.
- After Pre-Amplification, there will be a Pre-Amplification SPRIselect Cleanup step.
- The Sample Index PCR Cycle Number will then be determined using qPCR.
- Once the Cq is determined, a fraction of the material (25%) for performing Sample Index PCR using Cq Value + 2 cycles will be performed to add indices and adapters.
- The library will then undergo Post-Sample Index PCR SPRIselect Cleanup.
- After SPRIselect Cleanup, the libraries should be QC’d via an automated electrophoresis instrument.
Products: Visium CytAssist for FFPE, Visium CytAssist for FF, Visium CytAssist for FxF