Question: In order to use IF stained archived FFPE tissues, what are the requirements?
Answer: To use IF stained archived tissues, the tissue must have the following features:
- Be placed on compatible plain glass slides
- Be within the allowable area of the slide to be compatible with the CytAssist instrument and Slide Cassettes
- Needs to be co-stained with DAPI and imaged for Visium CytAssist data alignment
- Have the hard coverslip removed to be compatible with the CytAssist workflow, see the Tissue Preparation Demonstrated Protocol for guidance.
- Prior to using any archived tissues, we would strongly recommend performing RNA Quality Assessment. Given that most tissues require antigen retrieval prior to antibody staining and most staining protocols do not include the use of RNase inhibitors, we advise obtaining the DV200 of such samples as they may be more susceptible to RNA degradation.
Products: Visium CytAssist for FFPE