Question: What resources are available for the 3' CellPlex Kit for Cell Multiplexing?
Answer: Several resources are available for planning and executing experiments with the 3' CellPlex Kit for Cell Multiplexing:
1) User Guides
- User Guide for generating Gene Expression and Cell Multiplexing libraries
- User Guide for generating Gene Expression, Cell Surface Protein, and Cell Multiplexing libraries
- User Guide for generating Gene Expression, CRISPR Screening, and Cell Multiplexing libraries
- User Guide for generating HT Gene Expression and Cell Multiplexing libraries
- User Guide for generating HT Gene Expression, Cell Surface Protein, and Cell Multiplexing libraries
- User Guide for generating HT Gene Expression, CRISPR Screening, and Cell Multiplexing libraries
2) Demonstrated Protocol
- Demonstrated Protocol that contains two protocols:
- 1) labeling cells or nuclei with Cell Multiplexing Oligos (CMO's)
- 2) labeling cells with both CMOs and antibodies
3) Technical Note
- Technical Note that describes:
- Best practices for CMO labeling
- Cell multiplet detection and filtering
- Assay performance across different samples types
4) Public datasets
- Public datasets from Cell Multiplexing experiments with the Single Cell 3' v3.1 Dual Index assay
5) Webinar
6) Q&A articles
- Cell Multiplexing section of our Knowledgebase, which contains answers to many frequently asked questions
7) Software
- Cell Ranger Multi pipeline for analyzing Cell Multiplexing data
Also, see our CellPlex Support page
Products: Single Cell Gene Expression, CellPlex