Question:Are MilliporeSigma CRISPR dual guide Lentiviral Vectors validated by 10x Genomics?
Answer: MilliporeSigma Dual Guide Lentiviral Vectors have been validated with the Single Cell 3’v3.1 Dual Index and 5’ v2 CRISPR Screening assays, as part of the Compatible Partnership between 10x Genomics and MilliporeSigma. Assay performance was comparable between dual guide vectors and previous experiments with single guide vectors.
Other dual guide vectors have also been used successfully by customers in 10x Genomics CRISPR Screening assays (e.g. Replogle et al, 2020). If using the 5’ CRISPR Screening assay, the CRISPR-PolydT RT Primer concentration does NOT need to be adjusted when using dual guide vectors.
Products: Single Cell Gene Expression, Single Cell Immune Profiling