Question: What RNA extraction kits are compatible with Fixed Frozen samples?
Answer: We recommend assessing RNA quality of the Fixed Frozen tissue blocks before placement of sections on blank slides by calculating the percentage of total RNA fragments >200 nucleotides (DV200) of RNA extracted from tissue sections.
The recommended RNA extraction kits are:
- CELLDATA RNAstorm FFPE RNA Extraction Kit from Biotium (Part Number CD501).
RNeasy FFPE kit from Qiagen (Part number 73504).
- Considering that Fixed Frozen sections do not have paraffin, the deparaffinization step should be skipped. When following Qiagen instructions, please start from step 6 by adding buffer PKD directly to the frozen curls.
The Visium CytAssist Spatial Gene Expression for Fixed Frozen – Tissue Preparation Guide will be updated during the next revision to include the Qiagen kit.
Products: Visium CytAssist for Fixed Frozen