Question: Do you have recommendations for organoids for Xenium?
Answer: Organoids can be challenging to work with because of their small size and shape. Depending on the shape, flat or spherical, organoids may be tricky to embed into a block. We have found flat organoids are harder to embed. If at all possible, design the block specifically to fit the Xenium sample area (10.45mm X 22.45mm).
In addition to challenges with embedding, small tissues can be more prone to detachment. While we do not have specific guidance for improving tissue adherence for organoids specifically, similar ‘tips and tricks’ for TMAs can be applied to organoids. Do you have recommendations for sectioning TMAs for Xenium?
10x Genomics Support does not have additional information on generating blocks with organoids embedded or sectioning beyond what is provided in this article and will not be able to provide additional details from internal experiments or guidance on troubleshooting at this time.
Products: Xenium In Situ Gene Expression