Question: Can I use Xylene alternatives for Tissue Deparaffinization during the Sample Preparation from FFPE Tissue Sections Demonstrated Protocol (CG000632)?
Answer: To successfully run the Sample Preparation from FFPE Tissue Sections Demonstrated Protocol (CG000632), FFPE curls must be Deparaffinized to remove the paraffin wax. Insufficient paraffin wax removal can negatively impact the Flex assay. Thus, complete Deparaffinization of the tissue is critical. Because Xylene can pose health concerns and some facilities have restrictions on using this reagent, we have tested non-toxic alternatives to Xylene with the FFPE Gene Expression Flex workflow.
Limited testing was performed with Neo-Clear (Sigma, Catalog Number: 1098435000) and CitriSolv (VWR, Catalog Number: 89426-270), as Xylene alternatives during the Tissue Deparaffinization step. Based upon side-by-side comparisons across a subset of mouse and human tissues, both Neo-Clear and CitriSolv were determined to be acceptable alternatives to Xylene.
Products: Fixed RNA Profiling, Single Cell Gene Expression Flex