Question: What tissue staining methods are compatible with the Visium CytAssist Spatial Gene Expression for Fresh Frozen assay?
Answer: The Visium CytAssist Spatial Gene Expression for Fresh Frozen assay is currently compatible with H&E staining.
Additional details regarding H&E Staining with Fresh Frozen tissue sections can be found in the following demonstrated protocol:
Immunofluorescence (IF) staining on mouse and human Fresh Frozen tissue sections was tested and yielded low assay sensitivity. Alternative on-slide fixatives were investigated in addition to 100% methanol with Fresh Frozen sections, all resulted in significantly lower assay sensitivity as compared to H&E stained sections. Therefore, IF staining of Fresh Frozen tissue sections is not currently recommended or supported.
If interested in performing IF Staining with OCT embedded and frozen mouse tissues, please read the following article referencing IF staining with Fixed Frozen tissues: Is Immunofluorescence (IF) staining compatible with Fixed Frozen mouse tissue samples?
Product: Visium CytAssist for FF