Question: How long does the Visium CytAssist Spatial Gene Expression for Fresh Frozen (FF) assay take to perform?
Answer: Once tissue sections have been placed on compatible glass slides, the Visium CytAssist Spatial Gene Expression for FF workflow occurs over two days. The first day includes on-slide methanol fixation, H&E staining, imaging, destaining, and overnight probe hybridization. The second day includes completing the on-slide RNA Templated Ligation (RTL) steps and off-slide library construction steps. Multiple stopping points have been built into both days of the workflow to maximize flexibility. Please refer to the product demonstrated protocols and user guide for specifics regarding storage conditions at each of these stopping points. A summary of the stopping points can be found here: Where are the validated stopping points in the Visium CytAssist Spatial Gene Expression for Fresh Frozen assay?
Answer: Visium CytAssist for FF